So the studying is not going so well. My prof freaked the hell out of me when he brought up (what I thought were) obscure terms like continuity editing. This essay is going to suck my ass. I have 50 minutes to panic, sweat, freak out, scribble a thesis down, cry about how I have 10 minutes left, and develop a hand-cramp after writing 4 paragraphs in 5 minutes.
Why can't all tests be multiple choice? Everyone loves the multiplicity and the attempt to decipher the code. Do I pick all C s? Do I spell ACDC, BAD ACE CAB? Do I go with my trusted formula since grade 2 (BDADC(E)BC(E)AD)? Too much crap to learn...too little time.
The house is officially full of nog. I have already had one carton, and am currently on my first Nogache of the season. I expect many more to come, and at least 3 of them to be from some "Nogged" Nog.
I finally cracked today and went over to Shane's to play San Andreas. The weather was a shit storm of depression (The Red Rocket is dying, mid term tomorrow) and I needed some cheering up. I refused to complete any missions so I just drove around the city and punched a stoner in the nuts....repeatedly. While I was in an excellent mood when I left for home, I find myself unable to read a book as a keep drifting back to that crackhead's crotch......
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