Tuesday, June 07, 2005

HELLO PRICKS! - Blunders

Today I deposited 3,000 bucks into my bank account. Rejoiced in the fact that I will never have to go back to buttfuck Brampton. Purchased Coldplay's new CD simply out of respect for their song Scientist which created some key moments in Bex/Me relationship. and DUN DUN DUN got the last copy of GTA: San Andreas at Future Shop.

Only to find out that the "Check ID" sticker was blocking the PC DVD-ROM logo. I didn't bother checking the system requirements since I was so giddy to see the box on the shelf.


I do not own a DVD-ROM, never have a ever considered purchasing a DVDROM. It seems that I will be purchasing one tomorrow.

Fuckin Censory Wankers.

Oh and I have only one or two more Ebay packages til I own all of the known* (to my knowledge) issues that feature or star the Shroud.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Hello Pricks! I am JERRY sizzler and this is my sister.....jerry SIZZLER!

Work bad. Sleep good.

I'm currently bouncing off of the pillow onto my bike to get to work then falling back on the pillow. I was just getting used to the 12 hour work days but then this hot weather came and I want to cry.....but won't cause I can't spare the fluids. If I ever get a little spare time or if I injure myself badly enough to merit a day off, I'll post some video of my troweling at work. My spanky new video camera is cataloguing all of the useless information in my life at the current moment. I've already made an embarassing party video where the frame tilts sky high as I drunkenly fall backwards in a chair. I've been captivated by the Su|Do|Ku in the Star yet even more bewildered by the paper's idiotic statement of bringing the number puzzle to Canada. Are the writers at the Star too pompous to pick up a copy of the Metro? Those number puzzles (which had the sweet single digit per spot per box rule) GOT ME THROUGH HALF MY CLASSES! English Lit was numerical mayhem. Asses.

Sean, my good buddy from the grade before time, and I are finally getting into a rhythm at work. I yell at him, he yells at me, then we get in the truck and make yeti noises. Some things never change.

After much time of revision and reflection I've decided to finally mention the Star Wars phenomenon. Good? Yes Yes. Worth a 9th viewing? Yes Yes.

My troweller's hand has finally set in. A common affliction that hits most "COMPANY NAME HERE" employees during full swing. Every time you wake up, your fingers are fully closed and your thumb curves toward the fist. As you open your hand, all of your fingers extend upon command except the pinky which resists the instruction from your extending muscle until WHAM! The finger pops up to join the rest near full extension. You close your hand and the same thing happens. The pinky stops while everyone else races forward then SHOOP! It flies into a clenched position ahead of the pack. It's really funny to watch, even more delightful to feel...but good GOD!!! That is my whacking hand. Not to mention the remote hand and above hall, my coveted NES button hand. Without masturbation, TV or Nintendo...No, I don't even want to think about it.

"Nice duck."


"Hey, wait a minute. How does a person afford a duck like that on a cop's salary?"

"I found it."

Mind empty. Wallet dwindling. Ebay has enticed me to purchase Matrix paraphenalia, as many different comics featuring "The Shroud" that I can get my hands on....and a Pink Floyd Tie-Dye shirt that I will reserve for trips and journeys.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas comes out for the PC tomorrow (or today, if you read the blogs in the morning) which means I just lost that hour of freedom before bed every night.