Thursday, March 23, 2006

Institution fo sho!

Had a nice revelation around 3am while discussing the bastardness that is U of T and the sweet hippie freedom of Guelph.
Universities are like prisons!
Gasp, I know...but it gets better. We've all made the connection of all the classes having bars and how our student numbers might as well be sewn on our shirts. The latest discovery has been that your choice of school depends your sentence. If you choose, lets say Guelph, you get the regular prison motifs. Daily exercise, gym facilities, food time at the (Kreelman, i think its spelt), the whole routine of it all. Papers every week, presentations constantly looming.
If you choose the U of T path though, just as I did, you are entering solitary confinement. U of T would be the happiest school ever if you never spoke to another member for the rest of your life. That way, of course, you would find out that not only your life sucks but the system sucks. Absorp this:
Being a cinema student, I spend my entire day in a dark room where the locked doors constantly contain misguided walkers. My food only consists of what crumbs I drag in every morning. No outdoor visits at all, having all my classes in one building. In this dark room, I am constantly alone due to the hush hush of lectures and the construction of the lone spectator watching a movie thanks to apparatus theory. Our assignments come in clusters every few weeks, making our lives empty and boring to only be visited once every while by some ass raping.

Steve Massey
Inmate number 93272757
Serving 5 year sentence with no hope of parole or common decency.

1 comment:

Urban Faery said...

Becca Wood. Inmate number 0234685. I get extensions for good behaviour and I'm told that my conjugal visits are some of the best.