Day 2 of the travesty that is Rogers' Centre. I can understand how the Dome needed some extra cash and who better than the devil himself. While I felt the old name was a part of the Toronto culture like our infamous street names, I doesn't matter anymore. The woman who originally named the "Rogers' Centre," doesn't seem to mind, so I guess it's ok. The renos look pretty unneccessary thus far though. I never thought the Jumbotron was that obsolete. Sure it wasn't as crystal clear as some other stadiums but come on.....ITS FREAKIN HUGE!!! It seems that my dream to rent the Dome for a night and do nothing but run around hopped up on everything and spend the entire night playing video games and watching movies on the Jumbotron will ACTUALLY never happen.
The addition of the new scoreboards seems like a good idea. I'm devastated to hear that they're putting one of those ribbon boards around the 300s though. After seeing the one at the ACC, it seems like a waste of money. The ACC needs the light during the basketball games but get a screen that will look like shit when the roof's open. They've also decided to put some screens on the far walls of the outfield. Now, I'm not a huge baseball fan but I do recall that players run into the walls. Have we decided that is no longer painful enough for a man to run full speed into a steel framed wall?
Give it 3 years and my 208 will cease to exist. I'll be in Horror Section 5 in Romero Row.
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