Monday, January 10, 2005


By Best Friend is 3765 Km Away. This sucks. 3.5 more months til he'll get back and I can give him a good swift kick to the snozberries. Or I could say hello...I suppose.

With the induction of my guitar into my daily routine, I've been surrounded my music. It seems that Ben, brother of Bex, has become a big fan of Dark Side and The Beatles' Revolver. I can't say for sure, but I hope that I had a hand in this. I remember the day when I first met Ben and he was the love child of Good Charlotte and Simple Plan. Sum 41 were god parents to him, but Ben's musical ear worshipped none other than the Almighty Blink. When we talked music, I tended to speak highly of the few songs that I did like. Even if he was a fan of Anne Murray and Rita Mcneil, I still wouldn't be able to tell him off. I think everyone should be tolerant of others music, regardless.

Eventually he moved off of these faux-punk bands and started to listen to some real punk. I used to love going back and forth between listening to Ben's happy "we're young, foolish and happy" punk and Shane's "we're gotten older. Fuck You World." punk. Occasionally, I would tell him to download some of my songs and when he started getting heavy into the guitar, it became a little easier. There were moments where I thought his mouth got in the way of his ears, because frankly, WHO DOESN'T LOVE CLASSICAL GAS?!?!?!?

With his new love for the past, I feel like there might be a stronger bond now. I tell my friends about him, and get the weird "He's your girlfriend's brother." vibe. But he's a cool kid. As much as I'm looking forward to his love and discovery of Dark Side, I'm a little worried. He tells me he listens to it every night before bed. I told him he was preaching to the minister. I won't even mention the fanatical listenings that I had created. My only worry is what comes with Dark Side. Let's be honest here. When you think of Floyd, you think of trippy, and when you think of trippy, you think pastime for god's sake! While I have gotten off the pot lately (I've got a few appointments to make before I recommence the magical mystery tour. ), I feel I could still write an encyclopedia on the symptoms, habits and functions of a pothead. This includes the associated psychotropic culture that can create the desire for said drug. Hell, the cover would be the damn Dark Side prism.

I know that someday he's going to do it. You can tell just by looking at him and how he laughs everytime someone says "peanuts." I just hope it wont't be for a year or two. I got started in grade 10 and I was pretty fucked up for a while. School went down the shitter, and I ended up burning many, many, many bridges. I know that he'll be at Leaside next year, so it's inevitable, but if it has to happen, I hope I can have a hand in that as well. Better to get him off on the right foot, instead of making him go to all the dives that I went to. Who really wants to smoke pot in a schoolyard at 3 in the morning?

Now that I've rambled to the point of now return, I'll return to my initial point. Ben's listening to dark side, and I'm getting all nostalgic. I already cracked out all my Floyd so I can be ready to answer Q's if he asks them. I know I've still got a way to go, but I'd love to be the Floyd Expert among my group of friends. I used to be The Film Guy, but with Cinema Studies at U of T, that suit is way to small to fit into anymore. I noticed Texasgary has put together a fancy new music page and it made me realize that I am so out of touch with "today's music." I'm so out of touch that I don't even know if that is today's music. I knew Gwen had a new album but I haven't heard the single yet. The last new single I know well is "Vertigo." Yeah. I enjoy buying soundtracks and listening to new tunes from people like The Shins, but I don't think I'd actually go buy a shins album.

The only album that I really want right now, is the vinyl edition of Kylie Minogue that I passed up last year. The fool I was. I just went to the Muchmusic countdown to see what "today's kids are listening to" and I'm a little repulsed.

I don't hate everything out today. I'm a big fan of The Hives, and I worshipp System of a Down, if only they would put out more music. Juno Reactor and Rammstein are still good in my books (thank you Matrix), while Rage Against the Machine continues to be the saddest break up of my life.

I think I'm gonna stop here before I start complaining about individual artists and my gripes with the radio, video jockeys and everything else.

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