Friday, November 26, 2004

I Hope You Get A Boil On Your Semprini!!!

The time now on Phantomfilm is 2:00am. Stay tuned for later when it will be 2:10am. If you missed 2:05am, be sure to tune in next week when it will be 5 after 2.

This is what I am doing instead of writing my film essay. This post serves 3 purposes.

Purpose the First

It allows me to procrastinate and push this mother even further into the night.

Purpose the Second

It allows me to say how much I love the Monty Python episode entitled "The Buzz Aldrin Show." If you own this gem (I KNOW WHO YOU ARE! IVE MENTALLY RAPED YOUR DVD COLLECTIONS!), I would suggest watching it again. Chemists, Semprini, Freemasons, "The Bishop!": it's all good!

Purpose the Second (or Third for those of you keeping track)

I wish to express my hatred for all of you other bloggers. Either stop being funny or stop being. Do you have any idea how hard it is to study Mise-en-Scene in a silent film when all I want to do is read your blogs? It sucks beans is what it does! That's it I'm goin for coffee! No! Don't come after me......unless you're paying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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