While still steamrolling on my recent vibe of Fight clubby goodness, I found this quiz, which may possibly be the best Fight Club quiz ever!
Other news that I have forgotten to mention.
I've started trying to write crosswords. I've always wanted to submit something to the school paper, and the world could use more free crosswords to do on the subway or during class. As of now, I know of 2 campus crosswords out of at least 15 papers. This is madness. I'm going to try and write about 20 over the summer and submit them for a paper to use throughout the year. And I've having a lot of trouble. It's hard trying to fit actual words around the clues that I want to put in. My favourite clue so far is "Sandlot King - _____ "The Jet" Rodriguez" which I know is easy but what the hell, it makes people remember Sandlot. Another is Fill in the Blank - "Blanky-o, blanky-o, blank-y-OOOOooooooo." I feel like this will be hard cause as much as I want people to get the clues, I want it to be hard.
My other news is that the curling club is home to some Evil....and Dead celebrities...not to mention Musical. This is where I would run and get the name of the actor from the programs I saved from both shows but I don't care enough. He was the guy who kept saying "What a stupid, bitch!"....the horny one. Well he was practicing with two other guys at work today in his snazzy evil dead jacket. If it wasn't for the fact that I was done work and exiting the building, I might have gone out and said hi.
I think that's about it, other than the fact that I'm playing Texas Hold'Em on Tiger Gaming every waking moment. (damn Celebrity Poker and double damn Dave for being the host)
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