Friday, March 30, 2007

Workin Double Time

I'm currently trying to finish the Claude Jutra paper and hand it in by 4pm so that I can make it to work for 4:30. It's still possible, if I somehow just write like a madman, and edit in a single go. So I'm still hopeful, I could probably get downtown and then to work if I leave here by 3:40 which gives me just under 3 write about
Jean Rouch
The Devil's Toy
the Quiet Revolution
Quebec - U.S.A. ou l'invasion pacifique
French New Wave Filmmaking
the youth of the counter-culture
The reception of Claude Jutra as a filmmaker
my views of Claude Jutra
Yeah, I'm starting to think this just isn't happening, especially with the blogging go on. But goddamn, this laptop business is really really cool. I never understood the coolness of having a laptop until this very instant. What could be better than the warm battery of the laptop warming my legs as I type? The warm battery of the laptop warming my legs in the cold bathroom as I watch Youtube on the throne. It's an all new low, but just think of the irony. I can watch shit.......
Good Riddance post, oh so much writing to do

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