So I'm still in heavy study mode. Almost cried while writing the first so I've decided to do whatever i can to make the other ones better. Even though this exam was for the clown class that I should have dropped earlier due to the ringleader of a prof.
Anyways, the reason for my blog.
We have a dart board up in our apartment and it provides hours upon hours of joy and procrastinatory goodness, while also giving my trowelling arm some exercise. In between articles, I like to play a game of 301, then proceed to play a game of getting all the darts in a specific place. This tends to be the Triple 20 most of the time. We have 3 good darts and an extra one left over from the set we destroyed. Herein the miracle. I threw the four darts at the triple 20. The first two miss, the third hits and the fourth bounces of the board. I leave the third in and return to throw. First dart, Triple 20. Second dart, TRIPLE 20! Third dart....I missed but within mere millimeters. In I've never scored 140 on a throw before. Not to mention that there was a pre-existing dart already taking up some room.
The Master of 2011 Games prevails once again.
"Master of all I survey."
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Unsuccessful Uploading
So it appears as if I have not blogged in a while. Paper writing breeds blogging, but studying does not. I attribute this to my avoidance of the computer in general, aside from my daily dosage of NHL 2003.
I haven't been up to much lately. Sort of a passive resistance to responsibility. There's a virus on my computer that I have been unable to find, and prevents me from shutting down my computer. Needless to say, I have been trying to avoid spreading this thing.
My only highlights of the past while have been being sufficiently stuffed over the Easter weekend. Went to Bex's for the seder on thursday, where I gorged myself with more horseradish than I think was necessary or medically allowed. I also had another one of my, "I'm a grown-up now" moments. The next day I went to Picton with Shane for his family dinner but it was pushed to saturday since Shane woke up around 5pm and obviously would not make it for dinner.
That night however, we went offroading through his family's property in his Jeep. It was jammyriffic, to say the least. Not only did we get to explore the trails, and lack of trails, but we also drove through a few bogs. Around 11, the jeep was unable to get through a marsh and we were forced to venture out for their tractor. With extreme cloud cover it was pitch black out, but thankfully we had one of those flashlight lanterns that I proceeded to carry since I had a higher reach. It was only 10 steps before I felt like I was trekking through Middle Earth or that we would run into 3 stupid teens making a stupid documentary. Once we were out of the Jeep, we realized that the foot and a half of mud was probably the reason why we couldn't get out. I was greeted by a 2 foot sinkhole on my first step out of the car, making a mockery of my lowcut Timberland boots. We found our way back to the shed to discover that the tractor was gone, but after a few phone calls we found it hidden near the very front of the property. We got back to the jeep and since I have never driven a tractor before, I got "stuck" trying to guide the Jeep out. Actually, it was extremely fun. The tractor gives you a tug, and you pretty much floor it in reverse. With no moon, I had a solid black rear window to peer out of, but thankfully made it out. We drove the vehicles back to the shed then made our way home, the jeep covered in mud.
The next day, I experienced a bizarre series of events. Never have I been to such a "traditional" meal. The men in the house went to the property to do some "work," installing new doors on a machine shed, while the women remained at home to prepare the easter feast. It would have been a perfect day if I had gotten to watch a football game in a sweater at some point. At their property I was able to: jump over a river, drink from a waterfall, enjoy a beer at the top of a waterfall and use power tools. All exciting events that I rarely encounter. The meal was delicious and Shane and I headed back to T.O. so that I could meet the lady before she returned to Guelph.
The next day, I went to the home show with my mom where I bought some dirt cheap pitas, met by boss at our company's booth, and enjoyed a sweet, sweet ice cream cone dunked in peanuts. They're ghastly expensive, but the allusion of traditional exhibition snacks sucks me in every time. I then went home and ate a huge meal with my mom. Thank you for relaxed fit pants.
Ever since then, its been a storm of studying, trying to blast through criticism on the last 20 years of american film. I'm not as worried as I was last week, but there is still a lot of work to be done. I went and bought some of the films that I will probably right about so that even if I fuck up the articles, I can grab some extra marks with some detailed filmic analysis, which I have been told is my strongest skill right now. My exam schedule is really pissing me off this year because there does not appear to be as much time to study as last year. I remember saying something like 22 days to study. This year is was 11. Nonetheless, I'm doing my best and cannot wait until all this shit is over with, and I can enjoy the apartment like Sloth intended.
BLOGGER NEWS: Not only have I updated my recent funds tally, but I have also added a new section titled, "LP Currently Running." I thought the verb "spinning" would sound too pompous, as if I was a DJ of some sorts. Right now I'm getting into the Big Band jazz period, as I am finally starting to understand my dad's taste in music. Also, bear with me concerning the frazzled shawshank pic at the top. I think whomever has finally had it with me scamming that photo. I am hoping to maybe mix up the template soon, bring in some new photos, features and maybe do a little work to get some action happening on the sides or top. Until then.....
I haven't been up to much lately. Sort of a passive resistance to responsibility. There's a virus on my computer that I have been unable to find, and prevents me from shutting down my computer. Needless to say, I have been trying to avoid spreading this thing.
My only highlights of the past while have been being sufficiently stuffed over the Easter weekend. Went to Bex's for the seder on thursday, where I gorged myself with more horseradish than I think was necessary or medically allowed. I also had another one of my, "I'm a grown-up now" moments. The next day I went to Picton with Shane for his family dinner but it was pushed to saturday since Shane woke up around 5pm and obviously would not make it for dinner.
That night however, we went offroading through his family's property in his Jeep. It was jammyriffic, to say the least. Not only did we get to explore the trails, and lack of trails, but we also drove through a few bogs. Around 11, the jeep was unable to get through a marsh and we were forced to venture out for their tractor. With extreme cloud cover it was pitch black out, but thankfully we had one of those flashlight lanterns that I proceeded to carry since I had a higher reach. It was only 10 steps before I felt like I was trekking through Middle Earth or that we would run into 3 stupid teens making a stupid documentary. Once we were out of the Jeep, we realized that the foot and a half of mud was probably the reason why we couldn't get out. I was greeted by a 2 foot sinkhole on my first step out of the car, making a mockery of my lowcut Timberland boots. We found our way back to the shed to discover that the tractor was gone, but after a few phone calls we found it hidden near the very front of the property. We got back to the jeep and since I have never driven a tractor before, I got "stuck" trying to guide the Jeep out. Actually, it was extremely fun. The tractor gives you a tug, and you pretty much floor it in reverse. With no moon, I had a solid black rear window to peer out of, but thankfully made it out. We drove the vehicles back to the shed then made our way home, the jeep covered in mud.
The next day, I experienced a bizarre series of events. Never have I been to such a "traditional" meal. The men in the house went to the property to do some "work," installing new doors on a machine shed, while the women remained at home to prepare the easter feast. It would have been a perfect day if I had gotten to watch a football game in a sweater at some point. At their property I was able to: jump over a river, drink from a waterfall, enjoy a beer at the top of a waterfall and use power tools. All exciting events that I rarely encounter. The meal was delicious and Shane and I headed back to T.O. so that I could meet the lady before she returned to Guelph.
The next day, I went to the home show with my mom where I bought some dirt cheap pitas, met by boss at our company's booth, and enjoyed a sweet, sweet ice cream cone dunked in peanuts. They're ghastly expensive, but the allusion of traditional exhibition snacks sucks me in every time. I then went home and ate a huge meal with my mom. Thank you for relaxed fit pants.
Ever since then, its been a storm of studying, trying to blast through criticism on the last 20 years of american film. I'm not as worried as I was last week, but there is still a lot of work to be done. I went and bought some of the films that I will probably right about so that even if I fuck up the articles, I can grab some extra marks with some detailed filmic analysis, which I have been told is my strongest skill right now. My exam schedule is really pissing me off this year because there does not appear to be as much time to study as last year. I remember saying something like 22 days to study. This year is was 11. Nonetheless, I'm doing my best and cannot wait until all this shit is over with, and I can enjoy the apartment like Sloth intended.
BLOGGER NEWS: Not only have I updated my recent funds tally, but I have also added a new section titled, "LP Currently Running." I thought the verb "spinning" would sound too pompous, as if I was a DJ of some sorts. Right now I'm getting into the Big Band jazz period, as I am finally starting to understand my dad's taste in music. Also, bear with me concerning the frazzled shawshank pic at the top. I think whomever has finally had it with me scamming that photo. I am hoping to maybe mix up the template soon, bring in some new photos, features and maybe do a little work to get some action happening on the sides or top. Until then.....
Monday, April 03, 2006
Dreams of Being a Bucket
I skipped out of Shakespeare early tonight. I felt really bad since there are only two classes left but I am still tired from staying up too late this weekend. I slept through a class this morning, so I think I should just try to get to bed early and get my life back on track. I left and visited HMV to buy Rear Window for my last essay, also picking up THX-1138 at 5.99, then stopped by the Tim Horton's at Yonge and Bloor to see the scene. I was so interested in what happened that I actually grabbed a Metro this morning to read what happened. This brings me to the topic at hand.
I have yet to "Roll up" a rim in the Horton sense. I've been trying to restrict my food purchases to only groceries and everytime I decide to go there, something ends up happening. Bex and I were going to go for a coffee and snack last friday but were pulled in by a tempting all day breakfast sign at Select Sandwich. Thwarted again. Today I was going to grab a coffee on my way to Film Theory but I slept in and lost that chance. Was going to get one on the way to Shakespeare but fell asleep in the afternoon and woke up to late. (See my need to sleep is very important. It's ruining my snacking.) On the way back I got a pekoe tea to drink while I floated through HMV. They double cupped my tea with a regular coffee cup, and for a second I was almost sure I had been fucked again. But then i pulled out the inner cup and I literally heard the flute whistle, from Charlie's golden discovery in Willy Wonka, play in my head. I have saved that very cup.......until now.
That's right, my big reason for returning to the blogosphere after a long haitus.......
To roll up a cup. So.....
(drinks remaining tea)
(begins peeling)
fucking tim hortons bastards!
Long Live McNopoly!
I have yet to "Roll up" a rim in the Horton sense. I've been trying to restrict my food purchases to only groceries and everytime I decide to go there, something ends up happening. Bex and I were going to go for a coffee and snack last friday but were pulled in by a tempting all day breakfast sign at Select Sandwich. Thwarted again. Today I was going to grab a coffee on my way to Film Theory but I slept in and lost that chance. Was going to get one on the way to Shakespeare but fell asleep in the afternoon and woke up to late. (See my need to sleep is very important. It's ruining my snacking.) On the way back I got a pekoe tea to drink while I floated through HMV. They double cupped my tea with a regular coffee cup, and for a second I was almost sure I had been fucked again. But then i pulled out the inner cup and I literally heard the flute whistle, from Charlie's golden discovery in Willy Wonka, play in my head. I have saved that very cup.......until now.
That's right, my big reason for returning to the blogosphere after a long haitus.......
To roll up a cup. So.....
(drinks remaining tea)
(begins peeling)
fucking tim hortons bastards!
Long Live McNopoly!
Do the Right Thing
It's been one of those weeks where I've felt like I'm simply a passenger. I haven't done anything productive towards school or life in general. I've just been sitting around and killing time before I get started on this last paper due next week.
I spent thursday night at the Friendly Rich show with the Lollipop People which was fantastic. In the beginning of the school year, we kept talking about vaudeville's influence on cinema and how film was originally a trick to be shown in between other acts. That show on thursday will be the closest thing I ever come to that experience. Everything that we talked about at one point, I experienced. Even the notion of show's becoming tailored to local audiences was displayed as Friendly Rich sang a song about George Chuvalo. It seemed to connect in my mind. The music was pretty good....despite the lack of audible words to accompany. My god was it good to see The Frying Egg Circus again. Man, I missed that show. In my mind, while the music is the focal point of the show, David Hannon stole the show for me. Every time he appeared I was constantly fixated upon what he was doing. His makeup labelled him as Dr. Caligari in my head, but it totally worked for the show. I cannot wait until next month. My god man, I'm even thinking of sending an email to my film prof about the whole vaudeville experience. EXTRA-CURRICULAR TYPING! lets not get too hasty.
I spent thursday night at the Friendly Rich show with the Lollipop People which was fantastic. In the beginning of the school year, we kept talking about vaudeville's influence on cinema and how film was originally a trick to be shown in between other acts. That show on thursday will be the closest thing I ever come to that experience. Everything that we talked about at one point, I experienced. Even the notion of show's becoming tailored to local audiences was displayed as Friendly Rich sang a song about George Chuvalo. It seemed to connect in my mind. The music was pretty good....despite the lack of audible words to accompany. My god was it good to see The Frying Egg Circus again. Man, I missed that show. In my mind, while the music is the focal point of the show, David Hannon stole the show for me. Every time he appeared I was constantly fixated upon what he was doing. His makeup labelled him as Dr. Caligari in my head, but it totally worked for the show. I cannot wait until next month. My god man, I'm even thinking of sending an email to my film prof about the whole vaudeville experience. EXTRA-CURRICULAR TYPING! lets not get too hasty.