What an amazing weekend!
My birthday couldn't have gone any better! Perhaps more funds in my pocket but still an incredible and unforgettable weekend. For a few months I had been planning the birthday trip to go see The Led Zeppelin Symphony at Casino Rama in Orillia. The planning hit a few bumps in the middle of May as I struggled to get a credit card from CIBC. Within the last two weeks, I obtained the tickets, got a room booked and stole a car to drive (30 hours before). The plan was for Becca and me to go with my two best friends Adam and Sean. Sean being my current co-worker in Rubberland. Adam made it, but Sean was a bastard and ditched us so that he could work on Saturday and make 200 bucks. What a stupid move on his part. All day in the truck, I heard the ads for the concert, I heard Zeppelin and I saw numerous Rama buses speed past us. It was brutal. Mapquest said it would take 2 hours to get there. We left at 7 and got there at 8:11. I love my car and all it's speedy glory. I no longer drive on highways. I use them as my own personal race track. Until I'm pulled over for excessive speeding I will continue to get places in horrifying time. (Guelph to Allen Rd. in 23 Minutes.)
The concert was amazing. Not only will I be able to say that I have heard a live performance of Zeppelin's orcheastra pieces, like Kashmir, but I can also say that I have witnessed a live performance of Moby Dick, complete with the 10+ minute drum solo. I had goosebumps by the end, and had sunken back into my love of drums, questioning my pursuit of the guitar once more. A symphony was accompanied by a live rock band consisting of Alegra, playing an electric violin that was strapped to her shoulder and shaped like a lightning guitar, GEORRRRRRGE SANTRON on lead guitar, and two guys playing Bass and Drums. The singer.....was a tool. A bonified Tool.
"Have you guys got 7-11s up here? You know those things called Slurpies?"
He proceeded to banter between each song, quite poorly, about his history with Zeppelin. Which had the potential for interesting, if he had actually had a history with Zeppelin. He bought the records and listened to them......If only we all had those kinds of memories. He had the hair of Robert Plant but not the voice. The "highlights" of the show, that I overheard, were not the amazing sounds, like the crazy Cello players keeping up with "Whole Lotta Love" but a stupid stunt where some poor girl was given the oppurtunity to conduct the orcheastra during "Dancing Days" but really turned into her waving her hands in a circle for 4 minutes straight. Brutal. To cap it off. They ended the show then proceeded to do 3 encores of Stairway to Heaven followed by the other two. I can't remember what they were because I was shocked that they didn't put Stairway last, and I was also delighted to watch all the stupid people get up and leave then go and sit down between each encore. I wore my Zeppelin shirt and felt like an outcast amongst the crowd of 40 and 50 year olds.
We left the show and went back to the Best Western and got a few drinks and some room service with 5 minutes to spare. We watched the beginning of Clerks on my portable DVD then fell asleep.
Free Continental Breakfast followed by a trip to the Gym. I pretty much just sat on the bike to keep up the biking everyday notion but then had a lot of fun sprinting on a treadmill. It had been a while since I was on a treadmill, or in a gym for that matter. I got such an adrenaline rush after i got that thing really going. I really liked the notion that I was going so fast that something terrible could happen at any moment. Becca and I went back to the room and collapsed on the bed while Adam did a little studying outside. Counters are fun. We drove around looking for the downtown strip and found a street festival then ate lunch at Weber's. We then went for a walk on a nearby nature trail where I had fun with my new video camera and all of the crazy picture effects it has. Saw a duck bite another duck in the ass. We went back to the hotel and I read a bit of Fear and Loathing (to get in the mood) while Becca and Adam took a nap. It was so hard to not just leave them in the room. With no gambling on Friday night, it felt like 6am Christmas morning. The fun and excitement were right there and it was happening that day but it was too early. We decided to watch the rest of clerks, a family guy and two 70's show while we drank some beer we picked up in town. Only halfway through the beer did I finally realize Adam's subconcious joke. We couldn't decide what beer to get so he just picked one of the featured on the wall that he liked. We got a twelve pack of Lucky.
We finally got to the casino via shuttle and it all went down. We got into the casino and it was literally a rollercoaster ride.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Monday, May 16, 2005
Trampled Under Foot
So today is Monday. I am exhausted. While Monday is day 1 of the week for some, this is now day 8 from last week. Worked right through the weekend, and not in a fun, just got to finish up something small. We busted our humps on sat and sun to try and finish this pool deck in Brampton. We had to bump up our installation date because we had specialists flying in from Phoenix to show us the product. We had a different kind of rubber and the bonding chemicals were a little different. The father and son team, both named Bill, were talkers. One was around 50 and decided that endorsing this amazing product for 8 hours, which we had already purchased, was the best thing to do. The father, who was 77, was described to be a rubber trowelling machine, by cutting our standard number of required man hours by 10. He walked around the job site, lifting nothing, with a glow of wisdom and skill. Naturally, I named him Yoda. The Master Troweller. By the time the two Americans had stopped talking they had proved, with numerous examples, every damn stereotype about stupid Americans you can think of. They made fun of us because we weren't Canadian due to the lack of our use of the word "Eh!" But then began starting every sentence with, "I tell you what..."
Tim and I imagined every inhabitant of Arlen, Texas as a rubber salesman on the drive home.
I've been in Brampton the last 3 days and WE'RE STILL NOT DONE!!! We stopped today because we ran out of rubber and half to wait for more to be shipped. We move to Richmond Hill tomorrow. While I will enjoy the shorter drive home, I will definitely miss watching the planes land and take off alongside the 401. It was interesting to watch the line up of planes coming and going, but after the first day I lost it and started a cosmic mind journey about the amazing progress of mankind. You start with visualizing a field then think about the work and planning involved in creating the highway and its over and underpasses, then move on to the brilliance of flight, then the airport, then the creation of fences, and every other knick knack in sight. Most importantly all the signs. The road system of Toronto blows my mind some days. How did we get from a field to multiple traffic lights conducting cars with multiple turning possibilities through designated lanes? I smell a one minute film, but then I realize it's just the smell of extensive computer graphics.
On the topic of One Minute Films, I am ecstatic that my plan, concocted last November of using my first rubber paycheck to buy a sweet camera, is almost a reality. I've been grabbing the comparison charts from Best Buy and Future Shop comparing models and getting familiar with the language before I head down to Henry's. According to the fliers, I might be getting a Canon Optura 60 or GL2. (They only had Canon fliers.) I am really excited to start filming all the random things that have been entering my brain since school started. I'm going to make a Benny Hill-esque time lapse video for the company about the process of installation, and then it's all about documenting my life for when I have the Alzheimer’s or the momentary lapse of reason from the mind drugs and taping the clouds. I worry already that instead of taping beautiful plastic bags blowin in the wind, I'll have a shelf of endless footage of clouds and sunsets. We'll see. I've got a few ideas for OMFF to try out and a few side projects just for me. The first being a tribute to Yonge St. where I will start at the bottom and film all the way to Barrie then run it super fast. I'm excited.
Of course I'll also be taping "adventures." Mainly so I can remember what happened.
These are very exciting times.
I might have gotten my buddy Sean a job with the company too. Excellent. Maybe I can start remolding Sean on a daily basis. With 12 hour days, he has to listen to me. What else is there to do?
Oh right. Complain.
It turns out that I'll be working all the way to Thursday for an 11 day week. Friday is off for Recuperation from Revenge, and possibly a second viewing. But this just in!!!!! We might be working Friday for a Room to Grow taping. As much as I love to see myself on television (THE MOTHER AND BIBLE OF ALL THINGS IMPORTANT), I might have to hide my eye baggage and miserable look and show off some ass. From what I hear, there's a good shot of me bending over a mixing bucket on the last one.
Oh yeah and I took a huge chunk out of my hand moving a huge pool cover, had to go to the hospital, sit in a waiting room for 90 minutes enduring the agony and pain of having to listen to Pokemon: Advanced Challenge Marathon. I did however read Dr. Seuss' "Hand Hand Finger Thumb" with my good hand and found no words to describe the delight and humour with myself.
Tim and I imagined every inhabitant of Arlen, Texas as a rubber salesman on the drive home.
I've been in Brampton the last 3 days and WE'RE STILL NOT DONE!!! We stopped today because we ran out of rubber and half to wait for more to be shipped. We move to Richmond Hill tomorrow. While I will enjoy the shorter drive home, I will definitely miss watching the planes land and take off alongside the 401. It was interesting to watch the line up of planes coming and going, but after the first day I lost it and started a cosmic mind journey about the amazing progress of mankind. You start with visualizing a field then think about the work and planning involved in creating the highway and its over and underpasses, then move on to the brilliance of flight, then the airport, then the creation of fences, and every other knick knack in sight. Most importantly all the signs. The road system of Toronto blows my mind some days. How did we get from a field to multiple traffic lights conducting cars with multiple turning possibilities through designated lanes? I smell a one minute film, but then I realize it's just the smell of extensive computer graphics.
On the topic of One Minute Films, I am ecstatic that my plan, concocted last November of using my first rubber paycheck to buy a sweet camera, is almost a reality. I've been grabbing the comparison charts from Best Buy and Future Shop comparing models and getting familiar with the language before I head down to Henry's. According to the fliers, I might be getting a Canon Optura 60 or GL2. (They only had Canon fliers.) I am really excited to start filming all the random things that have been entering my brain since school started. I'm going to make a Benny Hill-esque time lapse video for the company about the process of installation, and then it's all about documenting my life for when I have the Alzheimer’s or the momentary lapse of reason from the mind drugs and taping the clouds. I worry already that instead of taping beautiful plastic bags blowin in the wind, I'll have a shelf of endless footage of clouds and sunsets. We'll see. I've got a few ideas for OMFF to try out and a few side projects just for me. The first being a tribute to Yonge St. where I will start at the bottom and film all the way to Barrie then run it super fast. I'm excited.
Of course I'll also be taping "adventures." Mainly so I can remember what happened.
These are very exciting times.
I might have gotten my buddy Sean a job with the company too. Excellent. Maybe I can start remolding Sean on a daily basis. With 12 hour days, he has to listen to me. What else is there to do?
Oh right. Complain.
It turns out that I'll be working all the way to Thursday for an 11 day week. Friday is off for Recuperation from Revenge, and possibly a second viewing. But this just in!!!!! We might be working Friday for a Room to Grow taping. As much as I love to see myself on television (THE MOTHER AND BIBLE OF ALL THINGS IMPORTANT), I might have to hide my eye baggage and miserable look and show off some ass. From what I hear, there's a good shot of me bending over a mixing bucket on the last one.
Oh yeah and I took a huge chunk out of my hand moving a huge pool cover, had to go to the hospital, sit in a waiting room for 90 minutes enduring the agony and pain of having to listen to Pokemon: Advanced Challenge Marathon. I did however read Dr. Seuss' "Hand Hand Finger Thumb" with my good hand and found no words to describe the delight and humour with myself.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Recent Gripes
1. Yo Andy! What's your deal? I remember chatting with you after OMFF and that you like College football(?) Especially a team in Florida (?) I know you play poker with some of the blogmasters, but other than that, the Andy Profile Card is quite empty. Keep the coolness flowing. I'll see you at the next gathering.
2. As martini-splashing thrilled I am with the fact that Scott Thompson is hosting a new show, I am also quite peeved with the title. Did I miss a memo or a third thumb flying into the air that proclaimed "that Greek movie about a large wedding which must not be named" the greatest flick of all time? Or did everybody love it just out of sheer pleasure in annoying others with the title.....or that stupid phone headset gag? I would have been happy to see the movie make some cash, get acclaimed and sit on the "PJ's Picks" shelf at Blockbuster next to "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" (this choice does not reflect PJ's views in any way but was chosen out of a sheer lack of love, by the way). Instead I am forced to endure endless and relentless (my little Dutchess named Tess) parodies involving Billionaires, Obnoxious jerks and stupid bosses. Sadly, the name train made a stop in queertown and we have "My Fabulous Gay Wedding" (though I do love the world Fabulous). Scott, I would sit through the entire run of Everybody Loves Raymond if I knew you had a guestspot, so don't worry I'll be there.
3. Ray Romano is a show ruining, self-plugging, unfunny whore.
4. I had to spend $136.73 on a pair of sneakers today not because they were the latest fashion but because they were the only ones that fit me and weren't "blingy" or "commercialized." It's not really a gripe, but come on! 138! That's $68 a foot.
5. I will end this current vent on a severely sad note. In Future Shop, and sadly most other video game stores the shelves look like this:

What a sad, sad day that a quality, innovative game is priced as NHL 98 or Hexen for 64. (Hexen!...oh that's right.......I went there.). Boobs and bouncing is all good, but this game warped my mind at the complexity and level of involvement. I'm happy that it's low priced so some kid with only a few bucks can get sucked in by the cover and enjoy it as much as I did, but as we know, price is in the top three of a game's status amongst it's competitors. I suggest everyone give it a shot. For 10 bucks, why not?
2. As martini-splashing thrilled I am with the fact that Scott Thompson is hosting a new show, I am also quite peeved with the title. Did I miss a memo or a third thumb flying into the air that proclaimed "that Greek movie about a large wedding which must not be named" the greatest flick of all time? Or did everybody love it just out of sheer pleasure in annoying others with the title.....or that stupid phone headset gag? I would have been happy to see the movie make some cash, get acclaimed and sit on the "PJ's Picks" shelf at Blockbuster next to "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" (this choice does not reflect PJ's views in any way but was chosen out of a sheer lack of love, by the way). Instead I am forced to endure endless and relentless (my little Dutchess named Tess) parodies involving Billionaires, Obnoxious jerks and stupid bosses. Sadly, the name train made a stop in queertown and we have "My Fabulous Gay Wedding" (though I do love the world Fabulous). Scott, I would sit through the entire run of Everybody Loves Raymond if I knew you had a guestspot, so don't worry I'll be there.
3. Ray Romano is a show ruining, self-plugging, unfunny whore.
4. I had to spend $136.73 on a pair of sneakers today not because they were the latest fashion but because they were the only ones that fit me and weren't "blingy" or "commercialized." It's not really a gripe, but come on! 138! That's $68 a foot.
5. I will end this current vent on a severely sad note. In Future Shop, and sadly most other video game stores the shelves look like this:

What a sad, sad day that a quality, innovative game is priced as NHL 98 or Hexen for 64. (Hexen!...oh that's right.......I went there.). Boobs and bouncing is all good, but this game warped my mind at the complexity and level of involvement. I'm happy that it's low priced so some kid with only a few bucks can get sucked in by the cover and enjoy it as much as I did, but as we know, price is in the top three of a game's status amongst it's competitors. I suggest everyone give it a shot. For 10 bucks, why not?