Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Facebook stole my trivia so here I am.
I'm currently on late day number 8th of trying to write a simple 700 word essay about a topic that I clearly understand but just do not want to finish.
I wonder what happens if you try to blog in spoken word format.
just saw ani difranco franco franco last week. I got to play the role of the guy standing out front saying hi to everyone he knows on the way in but is too cool, too cool, to walk inside yet. Like he's waiting for that special person to come in but makes sure he says hi to everyone else on the way in. Fearing rain and snow I waited, waited, waited. Tiny cubes rolling down my cheeks. Hands in sleeves feeding out to find the warmest nook in my pants. Man would probably be a happier species if testicles emitted heat.
Maybe not.
Well the show was fantastic, I tried to be a disrespectful asshole and take photos during ani's show on my cell phone. Before the insults are slung, I did ensure that no light or reflective light was emitted from my position. I mostly resorted to shooting between the backs of seats or from deep within the sleeve (with no flash of course). I assumed I knew the buttons on my phone well enough to operate blindly, and I paid for it. Instead of 35 photos, I had 1 maybe 3 if blurry people in the top right corner count. they don't.
Before I leave, (i know I'll be back in about 20 or so as this paper just sucks) I must state my position in Facebook trivia since ads have plagued the applilcation and possibly ruined my procrastinatory fruitions.
Movie Trivia - Rank 6-8 (shifted daily) out of roughly 19000
Addicted to Heroes Trivia - Rank 149 out of roughly 189, 000 (heartbreaker)
fuck you facebook, but goddamn you still have scrabble and backgammon. I will return.
I wonder what happens if you try to blog in spoken word format.
just saw ani difranco franco franco last week. I got to play the role of the guy standing out front saying hi to everyone he knows on the way in but is too cool, too cool, to walk inside yet. Like he's waiting for that special person to come in but makes sure he says hi to everyone else on the way in. Fearing rain and snow I waited, waited, waited. Tiny cubes rolling down my cheeks. Hands in sleeves feeding out to find the warmest nook in my pants. Man would probably be a happier species if testicles emitted heat.
Maybe not.
Well the show was fantastic, I tried to be a disrespectful asshole and take photos during ani's show on my cell phone. Before the insults are slung, I did ensure that no light or reflective light was emitted from my position. I mostly resorted to shooting between the backs of seats or from deep within the sleeve (with no flash of course). I assumed I knew the buttons on my phone well enough to operate blindly, and I paid for it. Instead of 35 photos, I had 1 maybe 3 if blurry people in the top right corner count. they don't.
Before I leave, (i know I'll be back in about 20 or so as this paper just sucks) I must state my position in Facebook trivia since ads have plagued the applilcation and possibly ruined my procrastinatory fruitions.
Movie Trivia - Rank 6-8 (shifted daily) out of roughly 19000
Addicted to Heroes Trivia - Rank 149 out of roughly 189, 000 (heartbreaker)
fuck you facebook, but goddamn you still have scrabble and backgammon. I will return.